Englisch ???

Hey travel folks,


what the hell is he doing ??? 

I am travelling now for more or less 10 months and during this time I kept my website in German. My mother tongue. And I know pretty well that I am more a photographer than a writer. 

Talking and meeting literally hundreds of people on my way, most of them speak English, but only a small minority speak German. My next big step on this trip will be North America and South America. Even more people who don´t speak German.


I had some very interesting discussions with fellow bloggers but also with new and old friends about my blog. Lots of them asked me to switch it to English, if possible. 


So that´s what I will do while I take a break here in "my" wonderful Chiang Mai. I will try to switch the page step by step into English. Unfortunately, with my actual website provider, it is not possible to keep an English and a German version on the same webpage. 


I hope all German speaking friends will understand my thoughts. And I know that almost 100% of you speak English, too.


Thanks and take care 


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Comments: 5
  • #1

    cristina (Saturday, 17 February 2018 15:32)

    Why not ? noi sa "take care".....nu cred ca ne vanturam prin lume...unde se vorbeste engleza, stam bine merci acasa la caldurica si asteptam sa ne povestesti ...si pe englezeste , ce ai mai vazut. Ma bucur , ca ai mai dat un semn de viata. Drum bun and take care. Tusa

  • #2

    Walli (Sunday, 04 March 2018 15:04)

    Egal in welcher Sprache Du schreibst, Hauptsache Du hörst nicht damit auf ��. Freue mich schon auf die nächsten Zeilen. Gutes Ankommen in den USA.

  • #3

    Pit (Wednesday, 07 March 2018 11:24)

    Hallo Rosto,
    leider habe ich erst jetzt deine Seiten und Berichte hier gefunden.
    Und ich echt sprachlos (und du weißt, dass DAS selten vorkommt)!
    Sagenhaft tolle Bilder, ein irrsinnig spannendes Projekt ....
    Ich freue mich sehr für dich, dass du den Mut gefunden hast und diesen Traum verwirklichst. Ich wünsche dir, dass du jeden Moment genießen kannst; und um deinem Thema von oben kurz gerecht zu werden:
    "Take care" und komm' eines Tages gesund zurück und erzähl' mir von deinen Erlebnissen.
    Beste Grüße von Pit

  • #4

    Sunny (Sunday, 11 March 2018 13:04)

    Hello my dear,
    great to hear from you and good you swapped to English. Keeps you busy anyway ;) Looking forward to hearing from you and your experiences in the land where everything seems possible...Especially politically...:)
    Take care,

  • #5

    Ge309769 (Monday, 02 April 2018 22:19)

    Hallo Rosto,
    stimmen die Gerüchte eigentlich?